星期二 05 下午 十月 1o 2024
All aboard the (high speed) Express train
#550 — October 1, 2024
Together with
µExpress / Ultimate Express: Like Express, But Faster? — It’s not Express, but a reimplementation of Express’s functionality with API compatibility. Based on µWebSockets, and with an optimized router, it boasts faster performance than regular Express, but needs some C++ magic to make it happen.
Jiti 2.0: Runtime TypeScript and ESM Support for Node.js — Long before Node got round to natively adding ES modules support or type stripping, Jiti brought the ability to quickly run TypeScript with native ESM support to Node, and it’s still going. v2.0 adds JSX/TSX import support, the ability to use Jiti via Node’s global hooks, and more.
Supercharge Your Node.js Code Reviews with AI — Tired of event loop bottlenecks, async errors, and dependency vulnerabilities slipping through code reviews? CodeRabbit, an AI-powered code review tool, analyzes your codebase line-by-line, detecting perf issues, optimizing async patterns, and enhancing security with each pull request.
CodeRabbit sponsor
Building Standalone Executables with Node.js — While the developer experience isn’t quite as nice as with Deno or Bun yet, Node does have experimental support for building single executables of apps that you can distribute to systems which don’t have Node installed.
Tony Pujals
JavaScript Minification Benchmarks — A frequently updated benchmark suite and results comparing the speed and quality of JavaScript minification across a variety of tools including esbuild, Babel, Bun, SWC, and Uglify.
Hiroki Osame
📄 An Interesting HTML Parser Conundrum – When stuff that looks like HTML appears within a document, problems can arise.. David Bushell
📄 How tcpdump
Led Us to a Bug in Node’s IPv6 Handling Uzgur and Mellifera (Checkly)
📺 Will Deno 2.0 Replace Node.js? Kyle Cook
📰 Classifieds
🪝 Hookdeck: A serverless queue to reliably send, receive, transform, filter, and route events across your event-driven apps.
Pythagora is an AI dev tool that builds production-ready tools (not demo apps). It writes the code and talks to you in the process.
🛠 Code & Tools
Gitify: GitHub Notifications From Your Menu Bar — If you get too many GitHub notifications, this utility aims to ‘tame’ them by bringing the notifications to your menu bar on macOS, Windows and Linux. Built using Node and React as an Electron app. And, yes, it’s open source.
Manos Konstantinidis
Building AI Applications on Postgres? Start with pgai — pgai empowers developers with AI superpowers, enabling integration of AI workflows for tasks like embedding creation and model completion.
Timescale sponsor
Superdiff 2.0: Compares Two Arrays or Objects and Return a Diff — Got two similar objects and want to see the underlying differences?
gradient-string 3.0: Beautiful Color Gradients in Terminal Output — What’s the next step up from colorizing the text output of your Node-powered CLI app? Gradients. v3.0 is rewritten in TypeScript and is a pure ES module.
Boris K
🤖 node-llama-cpp v3: Run LLMs Locally with Llama from Node — One option for running LLMs locally is to spin up Ollama and speak with it over HTTP, but this makes everything possible with a simple npm package, including within Electron apps. “Say goodbye to setup headaches,” they claim.
Gilad S.
Cacheable: A Suite of Caching Packages — A popular dependency that provides a simple, generic caching module, as well as a way to wrap native HTTP requests with RFC compliant cache support.
Jared Wray
exiftool-vendored 28.3: Fast, Cross-Platform Node.js Access to ExifTool — Use this when you want to access embedded EXIF data within image files (particularly those taken with phones or DSLRs).
Simple Git 3.27: Run git
Commands in Node Apps — Not a git
reimplementation but an interface/abstraction for using the standard Git client from Node code.
Steve King
Redbird 1.0 – A robust reverse proxy. We first linked to it in seven years ago!
Mongoose 8.7 – Popular MongoDB object modeling library.
fdir 6.4 – High-perf directory crawler & globbing library.
Prisma 5.20 – Popular ORM for Node.js and TypeScript.
ArangoJS 9.1 – Driver for the ArangoDB graph database.
AdonisJS v6.14.0 – TypeScript-first web framework.
Soap 1.1.5 – A SOAP client and server library.
Got a link for us? Reply and tell us. We can’t include everything but we’ll look at anything you send. Thanks!
Sponsorship: Email [kristina@cooperpress.com](mailto:kristina@cooperpress.com)
for details.
Published by Cooper Press Ltd.
Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
#550 — 2024 年 10 月 1 日
[](https:// /nodeweekly.com/link/160439/0a4070b383)
µExpress / Ultimate Express:像 Express,但更快? — 它不是 [Express](https://nodeweekly.com/ link/160441/0a4070b383),而是通过 API 兼容性重新实现 Express 的功能。它基于 µWebSockets,并具有优化的路由器,比常规 Express 拥有更快的性能,但需要一些 C++ 魔法才能实现。
Jiti 2.0:Node.js 的运行时 TypeScript 和 ESM 支持 — 早在 Node 开始原生添加 ES 模块支持或类型剥离之前, Jiti 为 Node 带来了快速运行 TypeScript 和原生 ESM 支持的能力,而且这种能力仍在继续。 v2.0 添加了 JSX/TSX 导入支持、通过 Node 的全局挂钩使用 Jiti 的能力等等。
用人工智能增强 Node.js 代码审查 — 厌倦了事件循环瓶颈、异步错误和代码审查中漏掉的依赖漏洞? CodeRabbit 是一款基于 AI 的代码审查工具,可以逐行分析您的代码库、检测性能问题、优化异步模式并增强每个拉取请求的安全性。
使用 Node.js 构建独立的可执行文件 — 虽然开发人员体验还不如 Deno 或 Bun 那样好,但 Node 确实有实验支持,用于构建应用的单个可执行文件,您可以将其分发到未安装 Node 的系统。
JavaScript Minification Benchmarks — 经常更新的基准套件和结果,比较各种工具(包括 esbuild、Babel)的 JavaScript 缩小速度和质量、Bun、SWC 和 Uglify。
📄 一个有趣的 HTML 解析器难题 – 当文档中出现看起来像 HTML 的内容时,就会出现问题.. David Bushell
📄 tcpdump
如何导致 Node 的 IPv6 处理出现错误 Uzgur 和 Mellifera (Checkly)
📺 Deno 2.0 会取代 Node.js 吗? Kyle Cook
📰 分类广告
🪝 Hookdeck: 一个无服务器队列,用于在事件驱动应用中可靠地发送、接收、转换、过滤和路由事件。
Pythagora 是一种 AI 开发工具,用于构建生产就绪工具(不是演示应用程序)。它会编写代码并在此过程中与您对话。
🛠 代码和工具
Gitify:菜单栏中的 GitHub 通知 — 如果您收到太多 GitHub 通知,此实用程序旨在通过以下方式“驯服”它们:将通知带到 macOS、Windows 和 Linux 上的菜单栏。使用 Node 和 React 作为 Electron 应用程序构建。是的,它是开源的。
在 Postgres 上构建人工智能应用程序?从 pgai 开始 — pgai 为开发者赋能 AI 超能力,集成 AI 工作流程以执行嵌入创建和模型完成等任务。
Superdiff 2.0:比较两个数组或对象并返回差异 — 有两个相似的对象并想查看潜在的差异?
gradient-string 3.0:终端输出中的美丽颜色渐变 — 对 Node-powered CLI 的文本输出进行着色的下一步是什么应用程序? Gradients. v3.0 用 TypeScript 重写,是一个纯 ES 模块。
🤖 node-llama-cpp v3:使用 Llama 从 Node 本地运行 LLM — 本地运行 LLM 的一种选择是启动 Ollama 并通过 HTTP 与它对话,但这使得通过一个简单的 npm 包一切都成为可能,包括在 Electron 应用程序中。 *他们声称,“告别令人头痛的设置”。
Cacheable:一套缓存包 — 一种流行的依赖项,提供[一个简单的通用缓存模块](https://nodeweekly. com/link/160460/0a4070b383),以及一种通过符合 RFC 的缓存支持来包装本机 HTTP 请求 的方法。
exiftool-vendored 28.3:快速、跨平台 Node.js 访问 ExifTool — 当您想要访问其中嵌入的 EXIF 数据时,请使用此选项图像文件(尤其是用手机或数码单反相机拍摄的文件)。
简单 Git 3.27:在 Node 应用程序中运行 git
命令 — 不是 git
重新实现,而是使用标准的接口/抽象来自 Node 代码的 Git 客户端。
Redbird 1.0 – 强大的反向代理。我们在七年前首次链接到它!
Mongoose 8.7 – 流行的 MongoDB 对象建模库。
fdir 6.4 – 高性能目录抓取工具和全局库。
Prisma 5.20 – 适用于 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的流行 ORM。
ArangoJS 9.1 – ArangoDB 图形数据库的驱动程序。
AdonisJS v6.14.0 – TypeScript 优先的 Web 框架。
Soap 1.1.5 – SOAP 客户端和服务器库。
有我们的链接吗? 回复并告诉我们。我们无法包含所有内容,但我们会查看您发送的所有内容。 谢谢!
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