星期二 02 下午 九月 24o 2024
Principles for doing Node right at scale
#549 — September 24, 2024
Together with
The Nine Node Pillars: Principles for Doing Node Right in the Enterprise — An interesting resource from a group of prolific and productive Node.js contributors. It’s designed to act as a checklist to identify gaps in your current Node development practices, particularly when building larger scale apps.
Snell, Venditto, Dawson, Collina, et al.
Node v22.9.0 (Current) Released — The latest cutting edge Node has a new API for retrieving the stack trace of the current execution. It also disables V8’s Maglev optimizing JIT due to upstream reliability problems and the necessity for Node v22 to stick with V8 v12.4 when it goes LTS next month.
Rafael Gonzaga
WorkOS Enterprise Ready Conference — A one-day event in SF for product and engineering leaders shaping the future of enterprise SaaS. Speakers from OpenAI, Asana, Slack, Canva, Vanta, and more. Topics will include user identity, compliance, encryption, and logging — common features you need to support to sell to enterprises.
WorkOS sponsor
What’s New in Express.js 5.0 — We mentioned Express 5.0 and some of its new features recently, but here’s a deeper look at what it has to offer. The updates are largely incremental, but set the stage for Express’s future. A few breaking changes necessitate the major version bump.
Trevor I. Lasn
📺 If you’d prefer a live, video walkthrough, CJ of Coding Garden has one in ‘Express v5 is Here’ over on YouTube.
🎉 It’s not just Express hitting 5.0, Fastify v5 has been officially released too. There’s a complete v5 migration guide if you want to upgrade.
🇪🇺 NodeConf EU is back. It takes place in Ireland this November 3-6.
Now You Can Compile and Run C in JavaScript — Well, if you’re using Bun, anyway. Bun v1.1.28 lands experimental support for compiling and native C code and then running its functions from JavaScript.
Jarred Sumner (Bun)
A Comprehensive Guide to Node.js Addons — If you’d rather stick with Node than use Bun’s newest feature to bring C/C++ etc. into JavaScript, writing your own addon remains a dependable approach.
Mert Can Altin
Roll Your Own Autoscaler — Prefer to keep your autoscaling in-house? Here’s how we built ours.
Judoscale sponsor
📄 Node 20 Upgrade: A Journey Through Unexpected Heap Issues with Kubernetes Ztec / Deezer
📄 Getting Started with Testcontainers for Node.js Ajeet Raina
📄 Why We Switched from Cypress to Playwright S Varun (BigBinary)
🛠 Code & Tools
Deno 2.0 Release Candidate — Deno started life as a manifestation of ideas that Node’s original creator, Ryan Dahl, had after his experiences with Node. Deno 2 is the next step: how the Deno team thinks Deno should ultimately be. Many changes await: window
is gone and Node’s process
appears, dependency management has been improved, numerous APIs have gone stable (e.g. WebGPU), and both Node.js API and CommonJS support have continued to improve.
Bartek Iwańczuk and Andy Jiang
ts-remove-unused: Remove Unused Code from TypeScript Projects — A tool to auto-fix unused exports and delete modules that have no referenced exports. Knip is another established tool in this space focused more on detecting removable things.
📰 Classifieds
🚀 Run, scale & secure your Node.js apps in one command. Works for your stack. Just plug & play.
🟢 Node.js user? Here are 9 guiding principles for creating robust, scalable & maintainable apps in enterprise environments.
ts-blank-space: Fast Type-Stripping TypeScript to JS Compiler — It’s job is simple. Be the fastest TS to JS compiler written in JS (it’s 5.6x faster than tsc
.) Types are simply replaced with whitespace. It preserves the coordinates of the JS code which eliminates the need for sourcemaps entirely.
Ashley Claymore / Bloomberg
libpg-query-node: Postgres’ SQL Parser, Exposed for Node — Use Postgres’s SQL parser at a low level from Node via libpg_query. If you want something higher level, this library is used by pgsql-parser which gives the ability to parse and serialize queries into/from ASTs.
Dan Lynch
💌 And if you’re into Postgres, be sure to check out our Postgres newsletter.
Piscina 4.7: Node.js Worker Pool Library — Efficiently run CPU-intensive tasks in parallel using worker threads in a controlled manner. GitHub repo.
James M Snell et al.
WebdriverIO 9.1 – Browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.
aws-lambda-fastify 5.0 – Run Fastify v5 apps on AWS Lambda.
Verdaccio 6.0 – Lightweight Node.js private proxy registry.
pnpm 9.11 – The fast, efficiency-focused package manager.
zx 8.1.8 – Google’s tool for better Node shell scripting.
NodeBB 3.9 – Node.js-powered forum system.
Strapi 5.0 – Popular Node.js headless CMS.
Got a link for us? Reply and tell us. We can’t include everything but we’ll look at anything you send. Thanks!
Sponsorship: Email [kristina@cooperpress.com](mailto:kristina@cooperpress.com)
for details.
Published by Cooper Press Ltd.
Fairfield Enterprise Centre, Louth, LN11 0LS, United Kingdom
#549 — 2024 年 9 月 24 日
[](https://nodeweekly. com/link/160107/0a4070b383)
九个节点支柱:在企业中正确执行节点的原则 — 来自一群多产且高效的 Node.js 团队的有趣资源。 js 贡献者。它旨在充当检查表,以识别当前 Node 开发实践中的差距,特别是在构建更大规模的应用程序时。
Node v22.9.0(当前)发布 — 最新的前沿 Node 有一个新的 API,用于检索当前执行的堆栈跟踪。由于上游可靠性问题以及 Node v22 在下个月进入 LTS 时必须坚持使用 V8 v12.4,它还禁用了 V8 的 Maglev 优化 JIT。
WorkOS Enterprise Ready 会议 — 在旧金山举行的为期一天的活动,面向塑造企业 SaaS 未来的产品和工程领导者。来自OpenAI、Asana、Slack、Canva、Vanta、 等的演讲者。主题将包括用户身份、合规性、加密和日志记录——向企业销售产品时需要支持的常见功能。
Express.js 5.0 的新增功能 — 我们提到 Express最近发布了 5.0 及其一些新功能,但这里更深入地介绍了它所提供的功能。这些更新很大程度上是渐进式的,但为 Express 的未来奠定了基础。一些重大更改需要主要版本更新。
📺 如果您想要现场视频演练,Coding Garden 的 CJ 在 YouTube 上的“Express v5 is Here”中提供了一个。
🎉 不只是 Express 达到 5.0,Fastify v5 也已正式发布。 还有一个[完整的 v5 迁移指南](https://nodeweekly.com /link/160144/0a4070b383)如果您想升级。
🇪🇺 NodeConf EU 回来了。 它将于今年 11 月 3 日至 6 日在爱尔兰举行。
现在您可以在 JavaScript 中编译并运行 C — 好吧,如果您使用 [Bun](https://nodeweekly.com /link/160116/0a4070b383)无论如何。 Bun v1.1.28 提供了对编译和本机 C 代码的实验性支持,然后从 JavaScript 运行其函数。
贾里德·萨姆纳 (Bun)
Node.js 插件综合指南 — 如果您宁愿坚持使用 Node 而不是使用 Bun 的最新功能来引入 C/将 C++ 等移植到 JavaScript 中,编写自己的插件仍然是一种可靠的方法。
推出您自己的自动缩放器 — 更愿意在内部进行自动缩放?以下是我们的构建方式。
📄 Node 20 升级:Kubernetes 意外堆问题之旅 Ztec / Deezer
📄 Node.js 测试容器入门 Ajeet Raina
📄 为什么我们从 Cypress 切换到 Playwright S Varun (BigBinary)
🛠 代码和工具
Deno 2.0 候选版本 — Deno 的诞生是 Node 的原始创建者 Ryan Dahl 在使用 Node 后所产生的想法的体现。 Deno 2 是下一步:Deno 团队认为 Deno 最终应该是什么样子。许多变化正在等待:“window”消失,Node 的“process”出现,依赖管理得到改进,许多 API 变得稳定(例如 WebGPU),Node.js API 和 CommonJS 支持都在持续改进。
Bartek Iwanczuk 和 Andy Jiang
ts-remove-unused:从 TypeScript 项目中删除未使用的代码 — 一个自动修复未使用的导出并删除没有引用的模块的工具出口。 Knip 是该领域的另一个成熟工具,更多地专注于检测可移动的东西。
📰 分类广告
🚀 通过一个命令运行、扩展和保护您的 Node.js 应用程序。适用于您的堆栈。即插即用。
🟢 Node.js 用户? 以下是在企业环境中创建强大、可扩展且可维护的应用程序的 9 条指导原则。
ts-blank-space:快速将 TypeScript 类型剥离为 JS 编译器 — 它的工作很简单。成为用 JS 编写的最快的 TS 到 JS 编译器(比 tsc
快 5.6 倍)。类型只需用空格替换。它保留了 JS 代码的坐标,从而完全消除了对源映射的需要。
libpg-query-node: Postgres 的 SQL 解析器,为 Node 公开 — 通过 libpg\ 在 Node 的低级别使用 Postgres 的 SQL 解析器_询问。如果您想要更高级别的东西,pgsql-parser 使用此库,它提供了解析和序列化 AST 查询的能力。
💌 如果您喜欢 Postgres,请务必查看我们的 Postgres 时事通讯。
Piscina 4.7:Node.js 工作池库 — 使用[工作线程](https: //nodeweekly.com/link/160133/0a4070b383)以受控方式。 GitHub 存储库。
WebdriverIO 9.1 – Node.js 的浏览器和移动自动化测试框架。
aws-lambda-fastify 5.0 – 在 AWS Lambda 上运行 Fastify v5 应用程序。
Verdaccio 6.0 – 轻量级 Node.js 私有代理注册表。
pnpm 9.11 – 快速、注重效率的包管理器。
zx 8.1.8 – Google 用于更好地编写 Node shell 脚本的工具。
NodeBB 3.9 – Node.js 支持的论坛系统。
Strapi 5.0 – 流行的 Node.js 无头 CMS。
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