Today’s highlights
Walking around the icy streets of the French capital…
- author: William SidnaminFull Frame
A breakdown of the benefits of using Event Storming…
- author: Matt BentleyinBetter Programming
Kang spotlights Korean literature while grappling with…
Reader-Response Criticism in CS Lewis and Georges…
I’ve only gifted 4 books:
- author: Nicolas PerezinCapra-Publishing
100 passengers, 100 seats — but the first one sits…
- author: Paolo Molignini, PhDinPuzzle Sphere
- author: Anna Burgess YanginILLUMINATION
HTTP has two main drawbacks: lack of security and…
Netflix’s new password sharing policies seem to only…
- author: Daley WilhelminUX Collective
Each of these books is like a handful of silence
Increase local development and testing speed.
- author: NGUinLevel Up Coding
Eight principles for every interface you’ll ever…
- author: Nick DiLalloinUX Collective
Relationship between minimalist design and human…
- author: Elvis HsiaoinUX Collective
Your microservices are required to guarantee…
Building ideas should be inspiring, fun and you should…
- author: How to WininPredict
- 作者:Matt Bentley 在《更好的编程》中
Kang 聚焦韩国文学,同时努力应对……
CS Lewis 和 Georges 中的读者反应批评……
我只赠送了 4 本书:
- 作者: Nicolas PerezinCapra-Publishing
100 名乘客,100 个座位 — 但第一个坐的是……
- 作者:Paolo Moligini,Puzzle Sphere 博士
HTTP 有两个主要缺点:缺乏安全性和…
Netflix 的新密码共享政策似乎只是……
- 作者:Daley WilhelminUX Collective
- 作者:Nick DiLalloinUX Collective
- 作者:Elvis HsiaoinUX Collective