Today’s highlights
There is no longer any denying it; we are finally on…
- author: JohnwegeinCoinmonks
This superbot app integrates GraphRAG with AutoGen…
- author: Karthik Rajan, Ph.DinAI Advances
Problem Statement:
no one really cares about what we do or what we think…
Identifying (and fixing) the 10 most common C#…
- author: Matt ElandinThe New Dev’s Guide
Are you, too?
Improve your testing skills by asking yourself the…
- author: David Rodenas PhD
People have no idea what they want, and product…
- author: Dr. Derek Austin 🥳inCareer Programming
Snowflake vs. Databricks is something we’ve all heard…
Just weeks before the annual developer conference…
- author: Dylan Cooper inStackademic
Stunning Details of Yesterday’s Attack on Crimea…
An implementation with LangGraph, Azure AI Search and…
Lessons that will help you if you’re in a relationship…
- author: Mosab AlkhtebinKnow Thyself, Heal Thyself
This is only going one way
- author: The Secret Developer
Data from 2021 shows that 537 million adults are…
- author: Bure Råman VinnåinVolvo Cars Engineering
[微软的 GraphRAG + AutoGen + Ollama + Chainlit = 完全本地化且免费…]( agent-rag-superbot-61ad3759f06f?source=email-2b8b8ee19057-1725473536885-digest.reader-3fe99b2acc4-61ad3759f06f----1-73--------------------3982f73f_a465_46e1_99a7_f30df962f7df- 1)
这个超级机器人应用程序将 GraphRAG 与 AutoGen 集成…
- 作者:Karthik Rajan,DinAI Advances 博士
识别(并修复)10 个最常见的 C#…
[为什么这么多人试图通过辞职来寻找人生目标?]( Purpose- by-quitting-their-jobs-34650f9d61c1?source=email-2b8b8ee19057-1725473536885-digest.reader—34650f9d61c1----5-102--------------------3982f73f_a465_46e1_99a7_f30df962f7df -1)
- 作者:博士。德里克·奥斯汀 (Derek Austin) 🥳职业规划
Snowflake 与 Databricks 是我们都听说过的……
!【Python团队解散后,Google Go团队面临动荡:12年项目负责人下台】(\*1z4VCwQNxI1\_sQUS)
[解散 Python 团队后,Google Go 团队面临动荡:12 年……](\_cooper/after-disbanding-the-python-team-googles-go-team-faces- turmoil-12-year-project-leader-steps-down-29c4248ceb85?source=email-2b8b8ee19057-1725473536885-digest.reader-d1baaa8417a4-29c4248ceb85----9-73------------ ------3982f73f_a465_46e1_99a7_f30df962f7df-1)
使用 LangGraph、Azure AI 搜索和……的实现
- 作者:Mosab Alkhtebin 认识你自己,治愈你自己
[沃尔沃汽车的首款开源车载应用程序简化了糖尿病患者的生活]( -简化糖尿病患者的生活-43d2ebfc63b0?source=email-2b8b8ee19057-1725473536885-digest.reader-4eed8113139-43d2ebfc63b0----14-108--------------- ---3982f73f_a465_46e1_99a7_f30df962f7df-1)
2021 年的数据显示,5.37 亿成年人……
- 作者:Bure Råman VinnåinVolvo 汽车工程