#707 — October 3, 2024
Together with
JavaScript Weekly
VoidZero: A Next-Generation Toolchain for JavaScript — Not content to have merely created Vue.js and Vite, JavaScript powerhouse Evan You has unveiled his latest adventure: a $4.6m funded company building an open-source unified development toolchain for the JavaScript ecosystem. With his track record, this is as good an attempt as it gets.
Evan You
ESLint Now Officially Supports Linting JSON and Markdown — ESLint has been taking steps to become a more general purpose linter and that effort is beginning to bear fruit with this milestone.
Nicholas C. Zakas
Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost — Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions substantially faster by running them on modern gaming CPUs. Integrating Blacksmith is a one-line code change. 100+ companies like Ashby, Superblocks, and Slope use Blacksmith to help developers merge code faster.
Blacksmith sponsor
Tauri 2.0: Small, Fast Desktop Apps using Web Technologies — Tauri is a Rust-based alternative to Electron for bringing together HTML, JavaScript and CSS code to create cross-platform desktop apps. Rather than using V8, it uses the natively available webview to run your code.
Tillmann Weidinger
😍 Build tool Vite has a snazzy new homepage just in time for ViteConf.
The Svelte team shares everything that’s new with Svelte lately.
🕹️ OneJS is an attempt to bring JavaScript scripting into the Unity game engine. ▶️ Here’s a screencast showing it off.
🎂 The Knip code decluttering tool celebrates two years with a new release containing a revamped auto-fix mechanism for automatically removing unused exports and files from your code.
Congratulations to Ulises Gascón for becoming the newest TC39 Delegate.
Eleventy / 11ty 3.0 – Node.js-powered static site generator.
Tabulator 6.3 – Popular interactive table / data grid control.
Jiti 2.0 – Runtime TypeScript and ESM support for Node.js.
pnpm 9.12 – The alternative, efficient package manager.
ViteConf is Live! — Join us today and tomorrow for ViteConf 2024!
StackBlitz sponsor
📒 Articles & Tutorials
▶ Bundling: The Past, Present and Future — A history lesson on bundlers, why they’re used, the problems they solve, the current ecosystem, and a look at the potential future for these tools.
Devon Govett
Unleash JavaScript’s Potential with Functional Programming — More focused on the how, rather than the why, but a good primer nonetheless, especially if you’ve never tried to learn about FP before.
Jan Hesters
An Online Event You Won’t Want to Miss — 🔥 JetBrains JavaScript Day returns Oct 24, and it promises to be the best one yet! Explore an impressive agenda and register for free today.
JetBrains sponsor
SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes for Writing Vectors by Hand — Explores the basics of hand-coding SVGs, how to use JavaScript along the way, and practical examples to demystify the inner workings of common SVG elements.
Myriam Frisano
📄 Web Components are Not Framework Components and That’s Okay Lea Verou
📄 How to Submit an Electron App to the Mac App Store Liu Liu
📄 Why Gumroad Didn’t Choose htmx Sahil Lavingia
📄 How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without using V8 Ben Grant (Bun)
📺 Laravel vs Rails for JavaScript Developers Sam Lewis
🛠 Code & Tools
🤖 assistant-ui: React Components for AI Chat — It doesn’t just give you the interface components, but has integrations for Vercel AI, Langchain, and talking to other common LLM APIs (e.g. OpenAI), enabling you to build your own in-house AI chat system quickly. Examples.
Simon Farshid
qrframe: A Library to Generate ‘Pretty’ QR Codes — It’s slightly odd as the QR codes generated aren’t guaranteed to scan reliably, but if you can generate ones that do, they look striking, and could be useful for branding/fun use cases. Play around with a live demo here.
Kyle Zheng
Announcing MongoDB 8.0 — Over 30% Faster Than Before — Learn how MongoDB 8.0 was built to exceed the most stringent security, availability, and performance requirements.
MongoDB 8.0 sponsor
Superdiff 2.0: Compares Two Arrays or Objects and Return a Diff — Got two similar objects and want to see the underlying differences?
µExpress / Ultimate Express: Like Express, But Faster — Imagine a reimplementation of Express with full API compatibility, but based on µWebSockets and with an optimized router for faster performance.
VueFormify 1.1: Simple Type-Safe Form Building for Vue — Bills itself as “your ticket to form-building autonomy.” There’s a getting started guide and GitHub repo.
Máté Nagy
pretty-print: Customizable String Representations of JS Values — Produce a string representation of any value. Similar to util.inspect
but with many extra options for tree-ifying, coloring, sorting, choosing what to display, etc.
Effectful Technologies Inc
🗓️ Schedule-X 2.3 – Material Design event calendar and date picker.
Summernote 0.9 – Simple WYSIWYG editor atop Bootstrap and jQuery.
ng-dnd 4.0 – Drag and drop solution for Angular. (Demos.)
Prisma 5.20 – Popular ORM for Node.js and TypeScript.
React95 v9.0 – Make React apps that look like Windows 95.
Vaul 1.0 – Elegant drawer component for React.
Eruda 3.4 – A console/devtools for mobile browsers.
BlockNote 0.16 – ‘Notion-style’ block-based editor.
📰 Classifieds
⚙️ Create entire web apps with Reactile and let it handle your widgets and windows within a single browser tab. 1-month free trial. Try it now.
Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Used by Lattice, Bilt Rewards and others. Backed by YC, CTO GitHub and others.
Published by Cooperpress and edited by Peter Cooper
‘JavaScript’ is a trademark of Oracle Corporation in the US
We are not endorsed by or affiliated with Oracle.
#707 — 2024 年 10 月 3 日
[](https:// javascriptweekly.com/link/160677/d076523b1d)
JavaScript 周刊
VoidZero:下一代 JavaScript 工具链 — 不满足于仅仅创建了 Vue.js 和 Vite,JavaScript 巨头 Evan You 揭开了它的面纱他的最新冒险:一家资助 460 万美元的公司为 JavaScript 生态系统构建开源统一开发工具链。以他的记录来看,这是一次很好的尝试。
ESLint 现在正式支持 Linting JSON 和 Markdown — ESLint 已经[采取措施](https://javascriptweekly.com/link/160681 /d076523b1d) 成为一个更通用的 linter,这一里程碑式的努力已开始结出硕果。
以一半的成本运行 GitHub Actions 速度提高 2 倍 — Blacksmith 通过在现代游戏 CPU 上运行 GitHub Actions,运行速度大幅提高。集成 Blacksmith 是一项一行代码更改。 Ashby、Superblocks 和 Slope 等 100 多家公司使用 Blacksmith 来帮助开发人员更快地合并代码。
Tauri 2.0:使用网络技术的小型、快速桌面应用程序 — [Tauri](https://javascriptweekly.com/link/ 160683/d076523b1d) 是 Electron 的基于 Rust 的替代方案,用于将 HTML、JavaScript 和 CSS 代码结合在一起创建跨平台桌面应用程序。它不使用 V8,而是使用本机可用的 Web 视图来运行您的代码。
😍 构建工具 Vite 有一个时髦的新主页 正好赶上ViteConf。
Svelte 团队分享 Svelte 最近的所有新内容。
🕹️ OneJS 是将 JavaScript 脚本引入 Unity 游戏引擎的尝试。 ▶️ 这是一个截屏视频 展示它。
祝贺 Ulises Gascón 成为最新的 TC39 代表。
Eleventy / 11ty 3.0 – Node.js 支持的静态站点生成器。
Tabulator 6.3 – 流行的交互式表格/数据网格控件。
Jiti 2.0 – Node.js 的运行时 TypeScript 和 ESM 支持。
pnpm 9.12 – 另一种高效的包管理器。
ViteConf 上线! — 今天和明天加入我们,参加 ViteConf 2024!
StackBlitz 赞助商
📒 文章和教程
▶ 捆绑:过去、现在和未来 — 关于捆绑器的历史课、为什么使用它们、它们解决的问题、当前的生态系统,以及这些工具的潜在未来。
通过函数式编程释放 JavaScript 的潜力 — 更关注如何,而不是为什么,但仍然是一本很好的入门读物,尤其是如果您’我以前从未尝试过了解 FP。
您不想错过的在线活动 — 🔥 JetBrains JavaScript Day 将于 10 月 24 日回归,它有望成为最好的活动还有一个!探索令人印象深刻的议程并立即免费注册。
JetBrains 赞助商
SVG 编码示例:手动编写向量的有用秘诀 — 探索手动编码 SVG 的基础知识,以及如何使用 JavaScript方法和实际示例来揭开常见 SVG 元素内部工作原理的神秘面纱。
📄 Web 组件不是框架组件,没关系 Lea Verou
📄 【如何向 Mac App Store 提交 Electron 应用】(https://javascriptweekly.com/link/160705/d076523b1d) Liu Liu
📄 为什么 Gumroad 没有 选择 htmx Sahil Lavingia
📄 Bun 如何在不使用 V8 的情况下支持 V8 API Ben Grant (Bun)
📺 针对 JavaScript 开发人员的 Laravel 与 Rails Sam Lewis
🛠 代码和工具
🤖 assistant-ui:用于 AI 聊天的 React 组件 — 它不仅为您提供界面组件,还集成了 Vercel AI 、Langchain,并与其他常见的LLM API(例如OpenAI)对话,使您能够快速构建自己的内部AI聊天系统。 示例
qrframe:生成“漂亮”QR 码的库 — 这有点奇怪,因为生成的 QR 码 不能 保证扫描可靠,但如果您可以生成这样做的,它们看起来很引人注目,并且可能对品牌/有趣的用例有用。尝试一下此处的现场演示。
宣布 MongoDB 8.0 — 比以前快了 30% 以上 — 了解 MongoDB 8.0 的构建方式如何超越最严格的安全性、可用性和性能要求。
MongoDB 8.0 赞助商
Superdiff 2.0:比较两个数组或对象并返回差异 — 有两个相似的对象并想查看潜在的差异?
µExpress / Ultimate Express:像 Express,但更快 — 想象一下 Express 的重新实现/160717/d076523b1d)具有完整的 API 兼容性,但基于 µWebSockets 并具有优化的路由器以实现更快的性能。
VueFormify 1.1:用于 Vue 的简单类型安全表单构建 — 将自己标榜为“你的表单构建自治门票” .”* 有一个入门指南 和 GitHub 存储库
pretty-print: JS 值的可自定义字符串表示形式 — 生成任何值的字符串表示形式。与 util.inspect 类似,但有许多额外的选项用于树化、着色、排序、选择显示内容等。
🗓️ Schedule-X 2.3 – Material Design 活动日历和日期选择器。
Summernote 0.9 – Bootstrap 和 jQuery 之上的简单 WYSIWYG 编辑器。
ng-dnd 4.0 – Angular 的拖放解决方案。 (演示。)
Prisma 5.20 – 适用于 Node.js 和 TypeScript 的流行 ORM。
React95 v9.0 – 制作看起来像 Windows 95 的 React 应用。
Vaul 1.0 – React 的优雅抽屉组件。
Eruda 3.4 – 用于移动浏览器的控制台/开发工具。
BlockNote 0.16 – “概念式”基于块的编辑器。
📰 分类广告
⚙️ 使用 Reactile 创建整个 Web 应用程序,并让它在单个浏览器选项卡中处理您的小部件和窗口。 1 个月免费试用。 立即尝试。
自动创建和维护 E2E UI 测试。零片。由 Lattice、Bilt Rewards 等公司使用。由 YC、GitHub CTO 等人支持。
由 Cooperpress 出版,由 Peter Cooper 编辑
“JavaScript”是 Oracle Corporation 在美国的商标
我们未获得 Oracle 的认可或隶属于 Oracle。