August 29, 2024
Want to be an Arc Ambassador?
🎒 Calling All Students: It’s that time of year!
There’s something about that first day of school. It’s a feeling of excitement, novelty, overwhelm. Of possibility.
We’re capturing that spirit as we kick off Arc for Students ‘24 with something brand new for you…
🔵 Introducing School of Browser: Our first-ever ambassador program. We’re recruiting 50 students to work directly with our team to spread the Arc love (think events, merch, and more!) across campuses during the academic year.
As part of the program, you get to connect with your peers to foster a community that thrives on Arc. AND, as if that wasn’t enough:
Ready to hype up Arc on your campus? 🔊
Apply to be an Arc Ambassador by September 12!
🧑🎓 We’ve also given our beloved Student page a fresh look courtesy of Jess (a former student member!). Share it with friends who could use a 👉 nudge to finally make the switch.
💌 And one more thing, are you a student using Arc with a personal email? Register for the Arc for Students newsletter to catch all our student-exclusive updates and opportunities.
🎙️ What’s most important to you?
In this week’s episode, Josh shares three product decisions we’ve made, and wants your thoughts on a pressing question: how do we share this journey with the 99% of Arc members who don’t listen to this podcast?
What’s the best way to bring everyone along as we work towards sharing an early version of Arc 2.0 with you?
From solidifying our value proposition, to making key decisions on tab management and building a technical architecture focused on performance…things are moving! Momentum is building, the team is dreaming…and we want to know just how much, how little, or even what you want to hear as we work towards this Reimagined Arc.
👉 Check it out on Apple, Overcast, or Spotify!
Oh, and have you visited the new Arc Search page lately? It might help you unravel the secrets of the internet…
You’ve got this,
The Browser Company
The Browser Company 285 N 6th Street Floor 5 Brooklyn, NY 11211-3013 USA
[]( u=73c2f0478f1b3cd8343ae8f45&id=e355d37784&e=2d91f117eb)
2024 年 8 月 29 日
想成为 Arc 大使吗?
[![Arc-school-of-browser-for-students](https ://]( ID=9e3212756f &e=2d91f117eb)
🎒 呼叫所有学生:这是一年中的这个时候!
当我们启动Arc for Students ‘24 时,我们将秉承这种精神,为您带来全新的东西…
🔵 浏览器学院简介: 我们的第一个大使计划。我们正在招募 50 名学生,直接与我们的团队合作,在学年期间在各个校园传播 Arc 之爱(想想活动、商品等等!)。
作为该计划的一部分,您可以与同行建立联系,共同培育一个在 Arc 上蓬勃发展的社区。而且,好像这还不够:
准备好在您的校园里宣传 Arc 了吗? 🔊
在 9 月 12 日之前申请成为 Arc 大使!
🧑🎓 我们还提供了[心爱的学生页面](\&id=77b76041a3\&e =2d91f117eb) 焕然一新的外观由**Jess** (前学生会员!)。 与朋友分享谁可以使用👉轻推最终进行切换。
💌 还有一件事,您是使用 Arc 并拥有个人电子邮件的学生吗? 注册 Arc for Students 时事通讯 来捕捉我们所有的学生 -独家更新和机会。
[![Podcast-split-view]( /73c2f0478f1b3cd8343ae8f45/images/0851176b-3d11-f500-94be-f6a49b72232e.png)](\&id=8a111 5abec&e=2d91f117eb)
🎙️ 什么对你来说最重要?
在本周的节目中,Josh 分享了我们做出的三个产品决策,并希望您对一个紧迫问题有何看法:“我们如何”与 99%“不听”此播客的 Arc 会员分享这段旅程?
当我们努力与您分享 Arc 2.0 的早期版本时,让大家一起参与的最佳方式是什么?
👉 在 Apple 上查看,阴, 或 [Spotify](https://company.us6.!
哦,您最近访问过新的 Arc 搜索页面 吗? 它可能会帮助您揭开互联网的秘密……
浏览器公司 285 N 6th Street Floor 5 Brooklyn, NY 11211-3013 USA