星期一 03 下午 一月 20o 2025
Full-Stack Tao releases on February 12th
I still can’t believe it. The book I’ve been working on for years will finally see the light of day. In a few weeks, you will be able to get it digitally on Gumroad and on paperback from Amazon. Thank you all for the patience and I hope that the book will live up to your expectations. You can learn more on the website.
Here’s some more info if you’re not in the loop.
It’s a collection of everything I’ve learned about programming during the last decade in the industry. It starts from code-level principles, things as simple as how to name your variables, then builds up to design patterns and continues to high-level ideas about picking a tech stack. It’s the things I wish someone had told me earlier.
In its essence, Full-Stack Tao is a book about software design, similar to “Clean Code” and “A philosophy of software design”. But the problem I’ve always had with such books is that they favor certain code qualities without explaining why. In this book, I focus on maintainability and all ideas stem from that.
We need to be able to build applications that we can maintain, extend, and modify over a long period of time. Building something is easy - you’ll scratch and you’ll claw and you’ll put software in production that gets the job done. But taking care of that application, supporting it as it grows and changes - that’s a real challenge, one we don’t study enough about.
I try to destroy the myth that you need rigid structure and design patterns in all cases. Depending on how long your application will live in production and who will own it you might be able to get away with something much simpler. Engineering complexity is a spectrum and it depends on the context in which you’re building software.
I can’t wait to tell you all about it on February 12th!
我仍然不敢相信。我多年来一直在写的书终于要面世了。几周后,您将能够在 Gumroad 上获得该书的数字版以及从亚马逊获得平装本。感谢大家的耐心等待,希望这本书不负大家的期望。您可以在网站上了解更多信息。
我迫不及待地想在 2 月 12 日告诉大家这一切!